Wednesday, December 13, 2006

On conspiracy theory around Diana's death...

There is a pretty even-handed article written by Christopher Dickey at on Princess Diana's death and the conspiracy theory.

I really don't quite get the fuss over what could have been an accident. I remember back then when it happened, and Diana was compared to Mother Teresa since they died in the same year. I couldn't even laugh. I thought, give me a break, Diana is like Mother Teresa? She doesn't even have a toe-stand on the humanity stage.

Still, people would always be fascinated by promising or famous individuals who die young, like James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. It's always more interesting to have some conspiracy behind it. Secret services of all governments keep files on all sorts of people, not to mention a controversial exiled Royal member. To justify that any government intentionally killed her, based primarily on the issue that they had a file on her, is naive at best.

There was this air-headed woman, who married rich, and inherited all these jewelry and title, on the condition of some prenup equivalent; and then turned around and said, screw that, I want a divorce, I want to keep all heirlooms, and I still want to be Queen, that won't get much sympathy from me. At least Charles can stay faithful to one not-so-pretty woman with love and affection, Diana was all over the place and wanted attention of all men and the world. Yes, I've seen alot of women like that, and believe me, they might be pretty to look at, but they're bitch.

So, no, I won't go to a concert to commemorate a bitch. Come to think of it, why am I still using the title Princess?!?

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