Monday, February 12, 2007

On John Howard the lap dog...

In case you don't know what this John Howard is, he's the current Prime Minister in Australia. What an idiot this guy is. And, just in case you don't know his background, he's more GOP than most GOP can be would have been, and is forever faithful to his master W Bush that is better than a lap dog.

What else to prove, but news like,23599,21215775-2,00.html when he's jumping into the US politicial debate, and accusing Obama (one Dem hopeful for 2008 who argues for a timeline to the withdrawl of US troops from Iraq) of inviting the terrorists to US and Australia, should Obama's wish become reality.

John Howard has this big ego for little men. He thinks he's big, in his shrinking man outfit. It is particularly amusing, to see that even GOP senators in US are telling him to just shut up. I'm not sure what Australians see in him, and I certainly didn't see much in this guy when I was voting in Australia back then.

How dare he (much like Bush), as a democratically elected leaders, to try to stifle public debate on issues, with no other better argument than the daddy-knows-best attitude.

From time to time, Australian political leaders have the propensity to put their feet in their mouth. Remember that time when Alan Greenspan mentioning something behind close doors to the Australian Finance Minister, and he came out and burped it out to all reporters (probably, to show how important he's been, given that Greenspan took him into his confidence) about Greenspan's take on world economy, causing worldwide market turmoil? John Howard definitely has that propensity.

I don't know about you, but I would be very embarrassed about having a Prime Minister like this, just as I'm embarrassed to see a President with below-average intellect like W Bush in US.

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