Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On Karl Rove and testifying under oath to Congress...

Reading articles and articles like really makes one sick of what this Bush Administration will do to stonewall public opinion and in distorting public opinion.

Enough said about that private, closed door sessions that Cheney did with the Congress, without transcript and without an oath. What came out of those meetings was still a he-said-she-said. The Congressional committees are set up to get to the bottom of the events, of why the DA's were fired and how much (not if any) political clout was put in from the executive branch in pushing out these DA's when they're doing (or not doing) the things that the Administration wants them to do, which is to either go after Dems, or drop the investigations of any GOP. It's just plain disgusting.

Karl Rove or any one of the neo-cons would never be able to stand the spotlight, if their actions and words come out, to show what they've done. And for the rest of the people (like Valerie Plame) to have to submit to subpoenas, while everyone on the Bush side is cloaked in immunity, with no accountability or ramifications of the damages and misdeeds that they did, it's just plain wrong and against the law.

I do not subscribe to that line from Bush again and again that the aides or whoever who works with/for him would not be accountable to anyone but him. What does he think he is? The king in America, and no one can (or should) question him?!? The time has now come, for the people to see accountability back and the checks-and-balance to come back.

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