Wednesday, May 16, 2007

On growing White House thread on neutrality of Justice Department...

It's very worrisome to read reports and testimony like on the great length the White House would go into, in order to bend the will of agencies like the Justice Department to suit its needs. It's frightening to realize that neo-cons like Cheney and Rove can strongarm their way through numerous issues.

But I believe in ultimate justice, and I believe that what-goes-around-comes-around. Like the ethics mess that Wolfowitz brought himself into at the World Bank, no doubt if he had not been one of the high-profile chief architects of the Iraq war, there would not be as much animosity toward him. The same goes to foot soldiers like Gonzales who carry on orders from on high at the White House. Sooner or later, the truth will come out, and their ousters will be their ultimate legacy.

And it's comforting to learn of those honorable few who would stand up for the neutrality of the agencies. At least there is someone out there who would do the right thing, even though it's not popular. It takes a lot of courage.

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