Saturday, January 19, 2008

On Bill, the excellent VP/attack dog for Hilary...

Normally, in an election, the presidential nominee would set a positive tone, and the vice presidential nominee would do the do-attack dog routine. The good cop, bad cop thing.

Thus, it's amazing to see that, when the Democratic primaries are shaping up, Hilary has already got herself the excellent attack dog - Bill Clinton, her husband. Not only can he attract huge crowds, perhaps even bigger than any of the candidates (Dem or GOP), but he's a great orator in simultaneously doing the selling job of Hilary and the attack-dog gig to other Dem rivals, GOP hopefuls, and Bush administration, all at the same time! And all these publicity is free!

While some people would argue that Bill Clinton is doing more harm than good by feeding Hilary down people's throat. But, hey, that's what a VP would do, and Bill does it with full force. What more can you ask for - Hilary already got herself an excellent veep before she becomes the Dem nominee. It's simply amazing.

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