Sunday, April 27, 2008

On election fatigue...

I'm pleased, and it's just as well, that Hillary Clinton should win the Pennsylvania primary, following the very weak performance of Obama in the ABC debate on 04/16. It never ceases to amaze how Obama could have the thick skin to turn the table around, and ACCUSED the moderators for asking him tough questions (which I would have wanted to ask him myself!), and that the questions were "too trivial." Of course the bloopers of his own making, namely, depicting small-town voters as bitter losers in the global economy by clinging to guns and religion, to try to explain away why he's unable to be more successful in attracting this demographics, during a closed-door fund-raising event in San Francisco.

In any case, I'm just so glad that his recent stumbling wipes that stupid grin off of Obama's face, which I absolutely can't stand.

To tell the truth, although I continue to contribute to Hillary Clinton (whom I still strongly believe to be a better candidate, nominee, and president), I've pretty much tuned out from all the reporting. Afterall, my mind is made up, and I'm just so tired of all these back-and-forthing.

If the Democratic superdelegeates are to ignore the Dem cores and still go for Obama as the nominee in the convention, I'm going to vote with my feet and go with McCain. He's more moderate among the other GOP's anyhow. I'm just so sick and tired of it. The only thing that would lighten me up is further stumblings of Obama. Those, I would certainly read, and be glad to hear.

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