Sunday, January 3, 2010

On Twitter, another hype

I couldn't help laughing out loud when I read the opinion piece on Twitter, BOFSDT (aka Boring Old Farts Suddenly Discover Technology). I couldn't agree with it more. For all the soundbites and hype over Twitter, a large majority of the tweets are less than junk. Should we call (or ping online) something on the phone, simply because we've got a new phone, but we really don't have anything to say? In a more rational world, we don't. With Twitter, suddenly the teens and young adults are doing just, which make the notion of BOFSDT so apt.

I have no doubt that there are important usages of it, eg. sending out amber alerts for missing kids, or security warnings from university to students. The identifying trait of these usages is that, they serve a useful purpose. I'm not one of those who talk, for the sake of talking. I wonder how long it'll take for these mindless young folks to learn that lesson, before Twitter fades back into the background.

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