On the other hand, you might considered me old-fashioned, puritan even. I find it almost distressing, to see the de-sensitization of sex and violence in modern-day culture, in particular, the younger generations (and they're getting exposed to such culture younger in successive generations). Add to that is the growing acceptance of homosexuality as the norm, rather than exception, in society.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against gays or lesbians at all. I do believe that there are people who are born that way, and should be respected in their own right. But I find it hard to accept homosexuality is an "acquired taste" or lifestyle. Such is the push of the idea, by a psychologist no less. Couple of things get me quite peeved:
- This psychologist/author claimed that he interviewed many young girls who claim that they're not really lesbians, but are really doing it (eg. girl kissing girl) to turn guys on. He rejects their claim that they're not lesbians, because maybe they just don't know they are lesbians, just by kissing other girls and liking it. Is that really so?
- He also claimed that girls are turning to other girls for comforts, because guys are pigs. And guys are pigs because of the ease of access to online porn to young boys/men. I would give it credit that there's some truth in this. But does this justify girls or women to choose to become lesbians? If such is the case, that this is a behavioral change, because nice men are just in such short supply, that girls are dropping boys in favor of their own sex, does it mean that if the men/porn trend is reversed, these girls and women who have turned to lesbianism for comfort, are going to rejoin the heterosexual cohorts?
- If this is the case, the argument would go, that countries like China where online porn is strictly forbidden, should be applauded for their attempts to heavily regulate such undesirable consequences. The fact that western countries are going against it, all in the name of "freedom of press," makes me cringe. As an individual, I would draw the line to forfeit certain "freedom," in order to see these regulated, in order to bring things back in line (or back to "normal," like the olden days, perhaps?). Is this too much to ask for?
But this psychologist failed to address the other big part of the equations: If girls turn to girls as an acquired taste, why are more boys/men found to be gay these days? As the arguments goes, according to this author, men are pigs, and they must be turning to their own kind for sex. Is that really the case? There might be some truth in it, but I have much doubts that online porn is turning boys into homosexuals.
A larger question remains: If there's an ounce of truth in all these, can the trend be reversed? What can we do, as individuals, as parents, as society? I don't find any discussions or debates on this, which I guess, is due to the highly political incorrectness of it. Just discussing this would imply that homosexuality is undesirable, and that seems to be the "wrong" thing to say. But to me, it is, in certain way, and we must have the courage to say it.
PS: It's funny too, that sexuality like homosexuality, is almost a forbidden subject in both the East and West. Asian countries don't talk about it, because they pretend it doesn't exist, and maybe by ignoring it, they hope it'll just go away. Western countries don't talk about it the way they should, because they've come to "accept" that it's an accepted practice, that they consider it wrong to discuss anything otherwise. Why can't we find some middle ground, so that the issue can be discussed more rationally?
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