Much as most everyone who has watched the second presidential debate 2012 between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, I can't be more pleasantly surprised by how different Obama has come across in the second debate.
During the first debate, Obama has been roundly criticized as inept and impotent in putting forth the arguments against Romney, with little to no rebuttal to his opponent, even if Romney repeated the same half-truth and lies. Obama failed to go after Romney, lest the attempt would make him look less presidential. But one does not have to brawl to come across as forceful.
And so it was, during the second debate, Obama has succeeded in achieving that, rebutting almost every single argument from Romney and/or retorting with nice catchy byline that was effective not only in neutralizing Romney, but in refuting various half truth and lies (eg. the impossibility that the so-called Romney's five-point plan) and in establishing the track records of the Obama administration during his past four years (even though it's mostly foreshadowed by the lackluster economy). Perhaps the only glaring exception was Romney's attack of Obama's handling of the Libya attack to the US embassy that led to the killing of four Americans, including the US ambassador to Libya. I can understand why the Republicans are so indignant about the moderator since she almost looked like she's cut off Romney's attack to Obama by moving swiftly to the next question.
For what's worth, Obama has succeeded in a forceful performance in a debate that has utilized a number of talking points on Romney that the Democrats have wanted to rebut Romney on (including his 47% remarks, that his essentially one-point plan of tax cuts won't be sufficient to get the country back to health), without being disrespectful to his opponent and still looking quite presidential.
To his credit, Romney has maintained his steady-annie performance in his second debate, much as he has in the first debate. With a more forceful and effective debater from Obama, Romney's arguments ring hollow. Romney was unable to offer any specifics of his five-point plan, among other things, except offer a vague list of goals that everyone wants to achieve, but no specifics how he could get the country there. Given that he's essentially a powerpoint guy, his inability to offer specific details only goes to show that he has no plan at all, except to tell potential voters to just "trust me."
Romney indeed looked flustered during the second debate, opening himself up for attacks by Obama (with his repeating end remarks that he's all for 100% Americans, effectively inviting Obama to end the debate to paraphrase Romney's true intent that he really has discarded 47% of the country behind closed doors), and even setting himself up for some late-night jokes and ridicule (like his ridiculous binders full of women remarks).
No doubt, the supporters on both sides are going to read into the tea leaves, with both candidates holding their own, perpetuating their support of their candidates of choice. For those who are still undecided, the second debate should stem the impression that Obama is just an empty suite.
I'm Independent and have been on the fence (though with leaning towards Democrat this time around), with not that much liking to Obama and even less so with Romney, but indeed the thinking behind what Obama has set out to do with his administration is more forward thinking and progressive (eg. how the policy should help to benefit future generations, rather than just giving tax cuts to the wealthy, here and now, while trashing everything like healthcare and social safety net). To that end, I hope Romney and GOP go down in flame metaphorically in the election next month, even though I would not wish ill to everyone literally.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
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