Don't you just hate it when there are too many word options?
Wordle 259 5/6
It's Day 9, and Ukraine is holding on to its resistance, but Russia is relentless. More condemnations are piling on against Putin, including Google suspending adverting in Russia. London Stock Exchange halting all Russian listings from trading since their value all drop to effectively zero. insurers stopping to write policy due to escalating risks. Those individual supporters of Russian attack are also getting banished, including opera singer. Even imposing currency outflow and hiking interest rate to 20% could not stop foreign companies from fleeing the country.
Putin must be starting to feel the pain from all economic sanctions as he's coming out with more outright lies, saying that his unprovoked attack on another sovereign country bears "no ill intention." Does he honestly think that his falsehood and empty words could fool anyone anymore? Though of course there are idiots who would tool his line, even blaming the West for starting this goddamn attack. Un-fucking-believable. But as long as China stands ready to be his backup option for a market and source of financial help, Putin probably thinks he can withstand losing the West and still does ok. The question is, how far would China stick its neck out for Russia? Those Chinese are not fools and certainly won't be foolish enough to lose their shirts for the sake of their bff in Russia.
Meantime, the West is huffing and puffing, bloviating more hot air. By jove, UN Security Council agrees to meet (as if we should be feeling so much better now....not!), though what good would that do since Russia can simply vote down any resolution in the UN Security Council, and it'll surely be joined by China.
The former national security official Alexander Vindman has it exactly right. US really needs to impose embargo on the Russia oil, if only to make a moral stance on the matter. While it's understandable that Joe Biden wouldn't want to put boots on the ground, there is nothing to stop US from supplying air coverage with drones. Though of course if the drones take out any Russian weapons or kill any Russian soldiers, it would have escalated it into a war that drags US in. Arguably US could (and should) supply those weapons to Ukraine, and let them unleash it on the Russians. Let's see how long that sitting duck of a 40-mile military convoy can last.
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