Friday, February 25, 2022

On an escapist Wordle amidst Ukraine invasion by Russia...

Amidst the horrible Russian invasion of Ukraine, Word does provide a measure of escapist tranquility:

Wordle 251 4/6


Back to the real world while so much horrible events are going on, when Putin led Russia to invade Ukraine, thinking that by calling it a "peacekeeping" mission, he could pull wool over the eyes of the world, he's sorely mistaken. 

The only idiot that Putin can fool looks to be Trump, whose total lack of moral fiber and proprietary has scaled new height, when Trump would openly called Putin "genius" for invading another sovereign state of Ukraine. Predictably Trump would peacock around, claiming that had he been in the White House, this would not have happened. Yes, I know, no one really should take this idiot seriously. But his words can still make my blood boil. Predictably too, China is scratching Putin's back by blaming US for "hyping up" the war started by Russia. What a bunch of fucking idiotic bully, and Trump doesn't even look he's the biggest fool in the room. Worse yet, there are more fucking idiots in GOP who would sing same tune of Trump and CCP, apparently coming from the same script.

I sure hope that there are people in Mainland China who read the Weibo tweets from Chinese official propaganda machinery on the propaganda strategy.  Question is, how many people are left in Mainland China who are not ignorant enough to be fooled by reading from only the official news media in the mainland? Prognosis is not good.

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