So, here's my Wordle game #252...
Wordle 252 4/6
Last week, San Francisco voters successfully recalled three of the school board members in a landslide. Their sins could be summed up like this:
- Try to do away with the merits-based admission policy.
- While parents clamor to get the schools reopened for kids to go back to more normal life, school board is more interested in being woke, pushing for renaming schools that don't add any value to the actual educating of kids. Even schools that are named after Lincoln and George Washington were in their crosshairs. Apparently this school board must have such self-loathing that they would roll back the whole US history.
- Past racist comments from one of the school board member.
There was a massive voters get-out-to-vote drive for this recall campaign that saw a lot of Asian-American parents jumping on board. Good for them.
I've gotten quite tired of all these woke progressives whose rhetoric and execution has become so similar to the far-right conservatives.
And while the Dec 2021 recall in Seattle has failed, the margin was so narrow (50.4%) that it's really a statistically dead heat. Arguably that Seattle City Councilwoman is even more offensive and woke than the SF school board. I'd bet Seattle voters will keep the recalls coming until she's kicked to the curb.
Not that I disagree with these woke crowds all the time. Nay, I do agree with some of their agenda, but their execution often rubs me the wrong way.
I'd bet, the more that these woke crowd yells and screams, the more likely they would turn off voters. Net-net, GOP and far-right conservatives will be the eventual winners, and they have the woke progressives to thank for. If you want to see what self-implosion is like, just look at how the woke progressives.
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