Wednesday, October 3, 2007

On Bush's veto of child health insurance bill...

So much for all his talk (and talk only) about compassionate conservative, Bush's veto of the child health care bill is louder than any words that he has uttered.

No doubt lobbyists for various corporate interests are hard at work. Tobacco industry would not want tobacco taxes to be raised to cover the bill. Private insurance industry would want new customers their way, rather than having the government covering them all.

And for only $35 billion over _FIVE_ long years on a bill, covering poverty level of $60,000 or below for a family of four, and Bush said it's too expensive? We're spending $1 billion a _DAY_ on military needs of the war and others, and he doesn't have a problem??!!?? What sort of priorities does this president has??!?!?!?!?! It's completely ridiculous.

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