Tuesday, October 9, 2007

On how good people can do bad things in blinding rage...

It's sad to learn more of the facts (I hope it's factual) behind the shooting of six victims at homecoming gathering party by a part time police officer at Crandon, Wisconsin.

It is how it could end up, if one person trashes another human being, pushing them to the limit, when the perpetrator tried to patch the relationship with his ex at the party, and was thrashed by her friends as worthless pig.

When it comes to affairs of the heart, it's entirely two person's private matters. She might end the relationship for a whole host of reasons (maybe it's because of him, maybe it's her, maybe she just doesn't want it), and he might be just still madly in love with her or he might be an obsessed soul. Regardless, if her friends would show some decency to him, rather than hauling insults to someone already beaten down, they might not have been shot down. Certainly, being mean in and of itself might not be a capital offense, but for these teens to have behaved that way, I'd say, they probably didn't get enough "timeout" when they were toddlers.

Once again, it shows how dangerous it is for someone to have easy access to guns. This guy might have been madly furious, but he would not have the chance to commit the murder if he had not had the gun with him. Granted that he's in the police and he needs the gun, but no matter. A gun is a gun.

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