Thursday, October 4, 2007

On John McCain's alignment with Bush policy...

Reports like this on John McCain's interview that reveals his view on wide ranging subjects just go to show how poor he is in gauging public opinion and how far he is in detaching from majority public.

The war in Iraq? It's not on, but he's still sticking with it (with Bush). The Bush veto of the child health care bill (that would allow for Medicare cover for families up to 400% above poverty level) is bad publicity? He thinks Bush is right. It goes on and on.

In terms of core value, he probably is closest to the GOP's conservative values (compared to, say, Giuliani and Romney). Ex-military guy who believes this country belongs to Christian/Jews and who is a family man. He largely sticks to his gun too. Problem is, he doesn't have contingency plans. He doesn't have a second script, other than the one laid out by Bush, which is most ironic, given that Bush has violated the GOP principle of fiscal conservatism.

No doubt, given his military background, he's going to continue the war, should he get to the White House. That alone (just to iterate his staunch support of the war) is probably enough to kill his nomination, if not a win to the White House.

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