Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: Taking stock, and looking ahead...

I've quite deserted my blog for months now. Not that I haven't had much in mind to jog down, but I've much rather doing something else with my time on hand. But perhaps when it comes to year end, it's always a good time for reflection.


On the personal front, as parents are getting older, they've finally reached a time this year where they're moved to nursing home. Not that it's something they've ever fancied, but reality and practicality dictate it that nursing home is a realistic option, in particular, in times of failing health. By providence, amidst all the frenzy and near desperation, we came upon this nursing home that meets almost all criteria that parents have wanted (diet, language, environment, friends, friendliness of staff, and more) and the finances work out too. We couldn't ask for more. Better yet, should they feel like it, they can leave nursing home whenever they feel like it. They have their own sizable room, with private bath and all. Meals and snacks everyday are nice, with activities all day. They have their rooms next to the nurse station too, so that care staff are always one shout away. As my mom puts it, it's better than a hotel. I must say, I have to agree with her.

Kids are getting bigger too, though with each stage of childrearing, there are always different worries and challenges. With globalization these days, kids are competing with peers not just locally, but with those around the world. One can only hope that they are disciplined and equipped enough to rise up to the challenge, to strive and thrive. As a parent, increasingly I have this feeling that the kids would need to chart their own path (even if they have yet to reach their teens), rather than having us paving the road for them, every step of the way. In any case, I don't want them to take a path in life that's determined by me, but to take charge of their own life - a fruitful and meaningful life - as they want it. Hope always comes with worries, but one must not lose hope, and the faith that somehow things will work out for them (as Steve Jobs had so famously said it in the Stanford commencement speech of his own life).


Economy wise, finally - yes, FINALLY - the US economy is showing some sign of life. It feels good to see that the economy is getting better (even though there are still millions of people out there who are still unemployed and underemployed, and wage level still barely budges). But with the outlook of interest rate sets to rise, and the property prices (in our areas anyways) have gone back up past the 2008 pre-crisis level, it's time for me to wrap up my purchases of properties.

Given how bad the economy in US and around the world had gone down the tube in the past six years or so, perhaps the silver lining for me is, the window of opportunity has opened up for me to buy the number of properties that I'm quite certain I would never have been able to get them all otherwise, should the property prices have stayed at the inflated level (before the '08 crisis). It is a blessing too that the economy in the area and rentals have not dipped much at all, thereby allowing me the amount of yield that I could only dream of. With the sizable chunks of investments for the past few years, I have no doubts that I'd need to take at least the next few years to digest them all which I'm ok with it.

Perhaps my one disappointment is the startup that hasn't taken off as we have wished. Then again, we realize it's never gonna be easy. At least if we are to fail, I'd rather it fails fast, and I'll just move on (which is what I'd do). I can only hope to realize the couple more ideas that I still have inside my head, and turn them into something more meaningful in the next few years. Not that I expect them to be billion-dollar success, I do like the idea of having created and nurtured something to fruition as a standing business. With that, I would be well-satisfied.


There have been so many world events this past year that I can scarcely begin to recount them all in a small blog, one of which is the geopolitical issue with the muslim fundamentalism and extremist movement that's the most worrisome. Afterall, the almost randomness in their violence, the brutality in their most uncivilized acts (like beheading), the propaganda of which seems to increasingly attract those muslim individuals who feel marginalized by society, and the spread of the muslim community to different countries that would make it increasingly hard to control such spread.

Yes, I know this sounds like racial profiling and biased towards the muslim community who might be painted under one broad stroke. But it's often hard to tell these days if it's marginalization (or the lack of opportunities particularly to their youths) of the muslim migrants that is the cause, or effect, of the rise of muslim extremist groups like ISIS. That said, ISIS is but one of the latest offshots that catches the world's attention with all their beheading and propaganda. There were numerous others garden variety groups, like Boko Haram, that have all since surpassed the news value of Taliban or even al-Qaeda.

As a bystander (or perhaps no one can truly be a bystander these days anymore), one has to ask why the moderate muslim communities (which I have no doubt that there are lots of muslims who are peaceful and non-violent) would continue to allow these extremist groups to hijack the name of their religion or even commit extreme violent acts "on their behalf"? Why doesn't any muslim groups come out, and stand up to publicly denounce what has been done "in their name"? Are they afraid of retribution? Do they secretly condone these acts against westerners or infidels simply because they all feel wronged by the policy from the west historically? Have they harbored some desire to show the west some of their true colors (of what they're capable of) while at the same time demand help and assistance from the western countries because most of the western countries still feel guilty about it? Perhaps it's a combination of all these, but as a bystander, it makes me angry, very angry of how these muslim groups allow civilized society to degenerate under fear.

Given all these, it comes as no surprise of the backlash against muslim immigrants in so many western countries, including those in Europe and Australia. If the moderate and secular muslims do not get cowered, and stand up to speak with a civilized voice against violence, they can't possibly blame others for seeing their communities as complicit in violence acts like beheading.

There is little hope of changes any time soon, but as the year of 2014 wraps up, I can only look ahead with more hopeful eyes that 2015 will see improvements. I don't want the society to regress, a society that my kids and the younger generation will inherit from us.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

On female fertility and egg freezing...

I was reading the article, with much interests, on egg freezing and how it buys time for women whose biological clock is ticking in their childbearing ability.

I got married in early 30s and have my first child in mid 30s. There was already high anxiety about the possibility of Down Syndrome, given the demarcation of pregnancy at the 35-year-old mark. I was 34 at the time. Unlike my sisters who went through pregnancy at similar timeframe in their lives, not by design, but by pure coincidence of how things turned out, and none of whom wanted to get the fetus tested for possible Down Syndrome. As Christians, they've already decided to keep the baby, no matter what. But I don't want to rely on just faith; I don't want a cruel world for my child if s/he turned out to be Down. I knew I would have terminated the pregnancy if it's turned out positive. It's a matter of pragmatism. By Providence, everything was fine.

It's not a woman's fault that she never meets the right man, marries at the prime age of 20s, has babies right after, and then starts the career path when the children come of age. No, that would be a logical path for men, but not the women. For women, everything has to happen all at once. Right after college, you'd better find a great job and move up the rank as soon as possible (so that you can call the shots); you'd better find the great guy who's great husband/father and who's supportive to your career and household chores and baby-rearing; you'd better save enough to have a home in a great school district so that you won't have to worry about moving again when the kids start schooling. Better yet, you'd better be sure you do all these before mid 30s because 40s is just round the corner and your energy level will go downhill soon (never mind what people say about 30 being the new-20, and 40 being the new-30, it's just all in appearance, when your body will tell you otherwise).

For a lot of women, things don't always happen according to plan. For some, nothing happens according to the usual script. They have to make hard choices. Do I defer looking desperately for the right guy? If I find the right guy who happens to want to be a father too, do I focus on baby-making or career-building? Can my finances support my decision? These are all hard choices.

That's why it's so maddening when I read about discussions about Can Women Have It All? I mean, hello, if all stars line up perfectly, of course you can have it all. But let's face it, how many women are really that lucky? Chelsea Clinton maybe (with no money worries, with job offers always waiting for just because of her famous last name). I don't mean to disparage or demean Clinton for her own accomplishments, which I'm sure are many, but women in her position are simply shielded from hard choices. Now, at 34, she's free to take her time off to have her baby, and then go back to work for her parents' foundation in a few years' time, all without missing a beat. That's the rare exception; not the norm.

That's why I get mad too, for women in power like Sherly Sandberg to patronize women that, if you're not getting all that you want, it's because you don't lean in enough. Giving talks and writing books about how great she's done, and "you can be like me too, if you have just spoken up some more!" Yeah right.

And I get mad too, about women who are supposed to know and understand the need for work/life balance, women in power like Marissa Mayer who are in the best position to do something about it to change the public discourse about how hard it is for women (and men) to jungle between work and life. Instead, what does she do? She bans telecommuting in Yahoo which is one of the best tools to allow employees to achieve work/life balance. Of all people, one would think a woman should know and understand this, right? Wrong. She's just tone-deaf and senseless as the next guy in suit. She would taunt the fact that she's working right from the maternity ward, she's back to her work desk right after childbirth. But of course she would conveniently omit the fact that she can have x number of au-pairs and maids to have with everything. She doesn't need to rush the newborn to daycare or go buy grocery because, oh don't worry - someone's taking care of that at home. How nice.

So, ok, let's forget about all these patronizing women (and men) on top, and focus on ourselves (which is what these women, and men, ask us to do, right?).

If a woman has not had stars lined up, and tough choices are demanded of her, what is she to do? Conception helps removing the high anxiety of unwanted pregnancy at inopportune times. Catholic church would frown on you, and conservative right would condemn you to eternal hell, but frankly, it's a godsend. Apart from dropping a few balls that she's been trying to jungle all along, one of the best tools is to buy time. With the hope for an eventual family, and lovely babies, the best (and perhaps, the only) course of action, is to freeze it's eggs. Not that this strategy is without risks, but at least it would hopefully allow a woman to achieve what she wishes for, with the critical baby decision deferred. With biological clock ticking, one has to act fast.

For those who freeze their eggs, I would say hurrah, three times over, to them. All the power to you, sisters. If my kids have not come in time, I would have done the same.

One of my sisters is a case in point. She spent her time focused on career building in her 20s and 30s. By the time she's ready, she's suddenly 40s, it seems like all the decent men are gone by then. She eventually got married in her early 40s and she wants a baby rightaway. The doctor told her that the chance of getting pregnant was remote. She would have sworn that her prayers were answered, for she found a decent buy, got married, and she miraculously got pregnant when she's 47 (right at the point when she's all ready to go for IVF). Thank goodness the kid is healthy and free from Down Syndrome, she readily admits that she sometimes feels like she doesn't have the energy to keep up with the baby all the time these days. Along the way, she gave up her career as a high-flying executive, and is now a stay-home mom. Tough choices they are: You win some (a baby, a family), you lose some (a career, a treasured and hard-won identity). Balls dropped surely as day-and-night. At least my sister has been lucky enough to be blessed with a baby she's always wanted, at such advance age that her doctor told her it's nothing short of miracle. (That's one main reason she insisted that her powerful prayer to God has everything with this.) Other women might not be as lucky.

I was lucky enough to have been able to keep building my career, with kids at home, and all. Two things have counted to our benefits. I've been able to telecommute at the most critical juncture in life when I need to stay home and watch over the kids, while doing my work; and my husband pretty much gave up his career to stay home and help. Thankfully both of us are now back on the career track, our cases are hardly the norm.

If you ask me, would I have taken the path that my sister took, by giving up my career to stay home, have kids, do chores, and be content? I would have told you a "no, I can't that" rightaway. Would I have been able to achieve it all (kids, family, career), without the stars all lined up for me? I would say "no, I don't think I could have done that, all by myself" in order to have it all.

However readily that anyone would tell women that yes, you can have it all, I would say, those people don't know what it takes to get there, not with lots of money and support.

And for those women in power who are not ready to help in a realistic and meaningful way, I would tell them readily, to just shut the f**k up, you're not helping at all. Changing their company policy to be more family-friendly, would be a good start. Writing a book or giving speeches and lectures to tell others to copy what they do, is not. Lobbying Washington to change public discourse on family-friendly policy would certainly help. Telling other women that if they don't achieve all they want it's no one's fault but their own, is not.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

On thinking calm thoughts...

I'm not sure why, I think I'm getting "angrier" these days. As I get older, I'm supposed to calm down some, to take time to smell the roses, so to speak. But somehow I feel that I'm running out of time, with so much left to be done which I have wanted to achieve, that somehow I seem to be getting more impatient.

I have not realized this budding trend until the other night, when I was upset with something rather trivial. A short while later, my son came to my room, gave me a hug, and told me to "calm down, mom; you'll be happier."  And I got this counseling from my pre-teen son! It's a jolt to me back to reality.

The upside of it though, is that, I get over something fairly quickly. I don't like to linger on negative feelings, or play what-ifs in my head. In other words, I move on swiftly.

The downside is that, while I'm in the zone, I'm affecting people around me, in particular, my kids. They do know and understand me, and I (almost) always apologize afterwards for outbursts, particularly when my outbursts don't concern them. While I'm still angry, I'll walk off, and they'll let me be. After a short while, we'll get together to talk things over. 

My daughter has given me a list - a reminder of sorts - on my smartphone. Four things: watch my temper, stop swearing, be nice in general, and be more understanding. I've promised her I'll be more self-conscious of it. Now they're making money off of me, lots of it, since I promise to pay them $20 every time I swear (and I seem to swear a lot while I'm driving, road rage, probably, or general impatience/intolerance for idiotic/clueless drivers on the road).

I'm thinking, I need to sleep earlier too.

So many things to do; so little time.

Friday, February 21, 2014

On hectic days...

I've deserted my journal writing for months now, I almost start to feel bad since I've come across so many topics that are of interests to me and I have wanted to jog down my thoughts. For crying out loud, I haven't even written my year-end summary of 2013 (!). That's bad...

I have my reasons, for all the hectic schedules.

I've bought a new home (yes, another one in the last three years). It has most everything that I have wanted. It's a multi-family (which means I can rent out the other units for extra income). It's upper stairs (which means we can open windows if we want to). It has a lot of trees around it (and I love shades in the summer, in particular). It's steps from shops and restaurants and amenities and public transport, and yet it's on a relatively quiet residential street. It's close to schools and the kids don't have to change schools. It has more space both inside and outside, but it's not too big to become unmanageable (I like to use every inch of my home, rather than empty unused rooms just sitting pretty). It's also in an area in which there's essentially no supply of properties for sale, and the area is always on demand. Best of all, I got it on the cheap; even with the extra renovations, I could make at least 15% profit (net) if I were to sell it now (just a few months after the purchase), although I don't plan on selling since I love it and we're going to live here for a while.

By providence, I was grateful that I've been able to acquire a few good properties in premium neighborhood in the past three years during the economic downturn and while mortgage interest rate was still low. I still recall my mom voicing her doubts, about how the economy was still in doldrums and it might not be a good time to buy. But when one looks at it, the opportunity in which great properties are cheap and interest rates are low does not come often. Naturally, it all depends on whether banks might be willing to lend to me or not. Luckily they did.

There was also the argument, about whether I should buy a multi-million dollar property and enjoy the spoils, or whether I should buy smaller ones (and live in a smaller one) so that I can get extra rental income. Ultimately, to me, the argument is clear. While it's nice to live in a big house, I don't really need (or want) it, not only because of the tiresome upkeep for a big house, but I also want the extra income. I want the rental properties to be self-sustaining, and to provide me with the income stream, should I get to retirement.

And so, with a gross aggregate yield of some 10%, and the net of about 7%, it's too good a deal to pass up. As everyone knows, it's all about location, location, location, when it comes to properties. As the areas (of my properties) are always in demand even in economic downturn, it's easy to find good tenants.

It takes time to fix up properties. This time round, since we'll be living in this property, my husband is helping with overseeing the renovation which is a great help. Still, it can get mentally exhausting for a project that spans more than a few months (almost five months, to be exact). That's why I've deserted everything, including writing of my journal. The efforts are worth it.

You know how it's like, when one gets to middle age, and it feels like time is speeding up, and there's so much to do, so much more that you want to do, that you just want to do them all at once. That's how I feel after the renovation was winding down and we're moving in our new home. I'm already eyeing other investments; not necessarily properties, but something else, something other than my six-figure day job that I've since grown tired of. Although my rental income has now surpassed the salary of my day job, there's certain comfort and security that I want to keep it going. Afterall, I can do it with one eye closed; there's no reason to let it go.

That said, I have always disliked the idea of retirement. I get energized by hectic and busy schedules. I need to feel like I'm doing something, achieving something, rather than sitting back and idling around. I don't think I'm the retirement type; hence, I can never understand why people want early retirement so badly.

It's about time I go pick up some new skills in my field now; it's long overdue. Being hectic and busy is good when there's something achieved in the end.