Friday, April 27, 2007

On Anna Nicole Smith...

Hm... on second thought, maybe I really don't have much to write about her. I hope this doesn't sound too harsh on the death of another fellow human being, but I don't find any news value in her death, where she's going to be buried, or any other domestic dispute that she might have been involved in, past or present. When I read news, I was expect something more important than how some taxpayers are funding the ongoing court proceedings on this woman, who should just be laid to rest.

The mainstream media can be just as stupid as bimbo like Smith.

On Rosie, and The View...

I don't have a TV. I don't have the need for a TV. As it is, I can't find enough time to do the personal things that I want/need to do, not to mention being a couch potato.

Having said that, sometimes TV offers interesting content. I appreciate YouTube to allow me to see most of those that I find interesting, albeit bits and pieces of it, like the Letterman show and Rosie on The View.

I never watched The View. In fact, I didn't even know about this program until I read in the news that Rosie was leaving the program after one year. So, out of curiosity, I checked out some of clips of the talk show on YouTube.

And, how *REFRESHING* it was, to hear the views from Rosie, and to have her say it like the way it is, the way it should be, it's almost like Godsend. Like her view on the Iraqi war, her view on Bush, on Trump, and most everything. (Except perhaps the conspiracy theory of Building 7 collapse on 9/11.) Mainstream media might think she's a bitch, and her views are against the tide. But let me say this, there is a reason why she's so popular, and now I understand why. That's because she's speaking out (however bluntly) on what's been on alot of people's mind, me included. It's the mainstream media who doesn't get it. The attacks on Rosie only makes her speaking out so much more valuable.

And I must say this too, the Elizabeth on The View is soooooo insufferable. I can't believe anyone, and I meant ANYONE, can be spoon-fed by the Bush Administration (but really, Karl Rove) on the topics ranging from the justifications on the Iraq war, Geneva convention, the Patriot Act, the use of torture, and so on, AND SHE REMEMBERS EVERY SINGLE DAMN LINE FROM THE OFFICIAL BUSH SCRIPT!!!! It's just how very unbelievable.

I might as well not have a TV, because if I do, and if I had tuned in to The View, I don't think I can stand a stupid woman's voice-recorded lines like this Elizabeth. Joy is cool, but if there is not a Rosie to tell silly people like Elizabeth to shove it, I'm gonna check out.

On Virginia Tech shooting...

There have been so much on my mind, from the news that I read, but I scarcely find the time to do so. So, let me do a few rapid fire postings...

On one of the worst campus shooting by the Korean American student at Virginia Tech who fired and killed 30 people before he killed himself, my first reaction was, Why? Or rather, how can a kid become so mentally deranged to think of doing such act?

Maybe he's an extreme introvert, maybe he's always been a social outcast, maybe his family had tried and failed to reach out to him; but there are so many other people in the society who are perhaps in the same situation. Would it have happened if more and more of these horrific incidents occur? Is it possible, that perhaps he has this thought (this bad bad thought of hurting other people), and the society, to do the least, deprives him the means of carrying out the act by not allowing him to buy guns so freely?

I guess his case is one that would be studied in the psychology and sociology classes in the years to come. And I'm in no position to study him in great depth. But while I can understand the urge to preserve the Americana way of life (of bearing firearms, for example), society evolves and we should move to remove the undesirable elements (I mean firearms, not the outcasts). That's how civilization evolves. I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to see it. Perhaps the Amercian people need another 1000 years to see that point. *sigh*...

Friday, April 13, 2007

On Rove "losing" emails, and Wolfowitz cronyism at World Bank...

It's simply beyond, the clear and established pattern from current and previous Bush senior officials in cowboying their way through the system.

First, we have Karl Rove allegedly losing thousands of emails at amid the allegation that he's involved in the potential illegal firing of 8 state attorneys due to political motivation.

And then we have Paul Wolfowitz who was elbowed his way into the Presidency of World Bank with the strong arm of Bush, and whose cronyism of his girlfriend at is just so disgusting.

I have no doubts that Bush will stand by all of these dear friends of his. Afterall, he lacks the capability to comprehend the enormity of how much this shifts the moral authority of US, and the very integrity of international organizations like World Bank is to carry.

Shame on Bush and his cronys. I hope we have a general election tomorrow.