Sunday, April 26, 2009

On MFDA...

I remember I read it somewhere, of a saying that the AMA manual has a symptom/illness for every human behavior on earth. I can't agree more.

Modern medicine has certainly expanded dramatically, for better or for worse. And now, we have MFDA - Modern Female Dating Anxiety. I'd say, 99.9999999% of humans, including men and most certainly women, would have felt apprehension about the whole dating game, with or without modern technologies. For these so-called experts to slap something together, putting the age-old apprehension and modern technologies, is simply disingenuous. The whole premise that these two topics are strongly correlated is simply bogus.


On a different note, it reminds me of how it (dating) had been like. The now-you-see-me-now-you-don't thing. There's a Chinese (Cantonese) saying for this: "It's like mist, yet it's like flower." My direct translation does not do justice to this old Cantonese saying, which describes how it feels like, of the ambivalence, apprehension, and wonders ("does he really like me?", "should I call or just wait for his call?" kind of things).

But no, I don't see anything wrong with that kind of apprehension. As a matter of fact, I enjoy that initial phase of courtship the most. Perhaps, that's why I enjoy Jane Austen's Persuasion (2007) over Bertolucci's Last Tango In Paris.

It's that kind of wonderment, that was captured and described so well in Jane Austen's famous novels. I guess, Jane Austen needs a prescription for MFDA as well.

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