Friday, February 24, 2012

On reality shows with kids...

Don't get me started on how much I despise reality shows; worse yet are those with kids, one of which was Jon & Kate Plus 8.

I sometimes wonder about what the appeal is, though I have no doubt that the voyeuristic look into someone's life is appealing to a lot of people. It's not just about walking through someone else's house with the camera, following them in lock-steps their daily chores; more importantly, there must be this appeal to see not just how happy those people are, but what they mess up and how they bitch and moan about it.

Truth be told, I never watch a full episode of any reality show in my life since I can find better use of my time. By jove, I don't even own (or have a need for) a TV. Back then, with all the rage about the J&K Plus 8 shows, I did wonder if there might be some exception in this show. Since I have a few moments to spare this evening, I check out the snippets of the episodes on YouTube. After some 9 minutes of it, I told myself I'm done with this. It's nothing new afterall.

But of course, we know now how the story of this family unfolded publicly - perhaps too publicly, for the kids. The wife's bitching and moaning got worse on the show, till eventually the husband walked out. For whatever very public bitching on both parties, life seems to go on with the guy. While he still expresses care for the kids, they're staying with the mom. And what next? The mom tries different things (hello, Dancing With The Stars), none of which works out. With her 15-minutes up, her go-solo show with the kids got canceled, she's resolved to staying in the limelight by declaring to the world with teary eyes that, "I'm so lonely." She blames her chances of meeting another guy to near zero, all because she's a "mother of eight." For however stupid the audience might be, the thousands of readers' comments are telling, with the majority saying, it's not the kids' problems. This woman doesn't even realize that guys have problems with bitch like HER. Sad huh? When there's success, it's Kate's success (never mind the 8 cute kids); when there's failure, it's because of the kids.

I feel bad for the kids since they did not sign up for this. The same is true with the Octomom thing. The kids didn't even ask to be born. Thanks for fertility treatment, individuals like these are able to suddenly get a big handful of babies, get some news headline, and their 15-minutes' worth of fame. Whatever happens to the kids after that, how the kids are reared; I doubt any reality shows would show interest in tracking how the kids would do after the light of the shows (with them in it) go dark. I feel bad for them. I really do.

Sometimes I seriously doubt the authenticity of these reality shows. The adults, in particular, know full well when the camera is on her/him. (Just ask Sarah Palin.) So, whatever persona that these individuals let on in front of the camera is really the persona that they want the world to know them of. The kids, on the other hand, could be a different matter; in particular, the very young kids who are doubtful to be able to experience a normal, regular childhood since they are always being followed by the camera crew. Why would anyone consider reality show to be real "reality," is quite beyond me.

I don't think the trend of reality shows is healthy for a civil society. As a bystander, I can only do my part by not participating or showing any kind of support to such initiative. Watching that 9-minute clip of this Plus 8 show is as far as I'll go. I don't want or have any need to see another mother trying to be the super-mom, getting everything perfect, and still can squeeze the time to take care of her dye and 'do, or another facelift or breast augmentation.

I sure hope that my silent vote is going to make a difference...though the prognosis does not look good so far.

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