Monday, May 14, 2012

On robot sex/love...

I don't know if you know the movie Lars And The Real Girl.  It's quite a decent movie, though I haven't though much of it after I watched it a few years ago.  And then I read the article the other day about the coming of age of robot sex with humans; this movie all came back to me.

Granted that the protagonist, Lars, in the movie was never portraited to have sex with the doll; his attachment to the sex doll is all psychological and emotion.  But it's certainly not that big of a jump to consider Lars' needs for the doll was physical and sexual too.

And why not?  I don't know why anyone finds it distasteful.  I see it as a good thing, for men who would use a robot for their physical/sexual needs, rather than subjecting another human being to demeaning task of releasing them of their semen, one way or the other.  I would not imagine any prostitute working that job really enjoy it; though these women (and men alike) in the hooker industry often don't have a choice, given their financial needs for the money.  This is not to mention young children being subject to the same kind of animal urge from men.  If there is just this way - the robot way - to alleviate this problem industry, it would be a very welcome sign.

As the article rightly points out, younger generations these days are more comfortable to indirect contacts anyway.  The use of robots for physical and emotion needs is only a natural extension of this social trend.

I'd say, bring it on.  I don't want to see those men exploit women/men/children anymore.  This millennia-old vice has gone on for far too long, and the society has turned a blind eye. Would there be one day when sex dolls can replace human prostitutes to eliminate exploitation some day?  I'd hope so.

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