Sunday, April 3, 2022

On a fun game of Wordle #288, and the stalled Russian attack on Ukraine...

This is what a fun game should look like...

Wordle 288 6/6


It looks like too that the Russian attack on Ukraine is stalling out which is decidedly a good thing, with news that Ukrainian army has been retaking cities from Russian force.  There's also news that the Russians are pulling back from the siege on Kyiv. I sure hope this is the beginning of the end of the Russians. 

No matter what words EU mouths, about principles, about human rights, about international rules, yada yada, EU is going down the same damn path with China on expanding trade, beholding EU to China (arguably an even bigger threat than Russia since China is far bigger in size and power than Russia), and that really makes my blood boil. This is the kind same-old-same-old as Germany and EU were doing with Russia, hoping that everything is business as usual, that trade should not be mixed up with politics, that everyone should go on making money, and leave politics to the politicians. That's the same fucking line that China is spoon-feeding EU or any other country who's doing the deal with the devil, preferring to ignore the Faustian bargain that they knew full well of the consequences. 

For crying out loud, at least EU (like Germany) is finally waking up to Russia. When will they learn with China?!?!?

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