Wednesday, April 6, 2022

On Wordle #291, and Day 41 of Russian Attack on Ukraine...

Wordle #291 is a good game...

Wordle 291 5/6


As Day 41 continues, the tide looks to be turning against Russia. Putin is trying to backpedal, retreating to eastern Ukraine, in the attempt to save faces by calling it a "success" to hold onto the eastern provinces of Ukraine, since Russian armies can't hold onto some of the cities that it has supposedly claimed from Ukraine. 

As the Russians retreat, it can no longer cover up the war crimes that they have committed against Ukrainian civilians. Even India is backing away from its previous lax stance against the Russian attack. More sanctions are coming, with EU starting to ban coal imports from Russia. Propaganda no longer works, empty words no longer carries weight, with everyone standing up to call out empty words and false pretense.

China remains the notable ally that remains with Russia. For all the respect and soft-power that Xi Jinping seeks for China, he literally throws all that down the drain. Who can possibly respect Xi or China as a world power when it's so visibly corrupt morally? Even weaklings in the former Eastern Bloc, like Poland and Moldova, are standing up and speaking out. Yet China bends over backwards to Russia. That really says a lot.

More interestingly, even the formerly neutral states of Sweden and Finland are clamoring to join NATO now. As Zelenskyy rightly points out, no one is safe anymore from the Russian aggression. The world march toward peace and open borders since the end of WWII no longer rings true. Zelenskyy is absolutely right in calling for the removal of Russia from the UN Security Council. How could the world's number-one aggressor sit on the UN Security Council or be an adjudicator of human rights issues when it actively commits war crime? 

One thing is clear: Zelenskyy has become the voice of conscience for the world. The words that he has spoken aren't just for Ukraine, it's become beacon on top of the hill for all other countries to follow.

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