Tuesday, May 15, 2007

On Bush and cutting CO2 emission...

It's hypocritical to see Bush pushing for curbing CO2 emission in http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-05-14-voa61.cfm and his fight to get US out of Kyoto Protocol.

Naturally we'll never know if he just suddenly gets religion on environment protection, or whether his hands are forced on him by the Supreme Court. But one thing for sure is, this President would never ever get the moral highground that he always hopes to achieve. He might think that he can always have his way, given his war push into Iraq, or his wriggling out of Kyoto Protocol, or his pushing Wolfowitz as World Bank chief, or some many other initiatives that his Prez introduced which are so flawed. One way of the others, things are going to come back and bite him. If he thinks that by reversing course now, he can save his legacy in the last 2 years of his 2 terms, he must be smoking. The damage he made to this country is done, and there will be no doubt what the history book will stay about Bush. And I do not speculate much said very kindly.

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