Wednesday, May 30, 2007

On Romney's pledge to donate his salary to charity, should he become president...

It's almost funny, reading story like where Mitt Romney pledges to donate his salary to charity, should he become president.

It's almost laughable, for a Bain Capital founder to make such "generous" offer, serving nothing much other than grandstanding. Should I really care of his true character on where he stands, in terms of charitable donations, I would rather see how much he has donated, as a percentage of his personal net wealth, to any existing charities (not the ones he might have created himself for tax purposes or in any way related to him or his establishments), over the course of the past 10 years.

He really would serve himself better by keeping his mouth shut on a topic like this, than to think it's a big deal, which would be exactly how anyone in their right mind would think of it, which is "yeah, big deal, Romney."

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