Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Reflecting on life changing event....

Ok - now back to my original post, in which I have completely lost my trains of thoughts after my rage towards my Dell laptop.

In any case...hm, where was I...

Ah yes, life changing events.

I was saying, summer is a good time for changes. A change of career. A change of scenes. And I've been contemplating this for quite some time now. Might as well.

So, we'll start with quitting my current startup. Do a bit of touring while exploring on the venture that would keep my husband busy. His investments have been auto-piloting and won't need much of his attention throughout the year, so we should devise something to keep his mind gainfully occupied.

As for me, hmm, what would I do? I'm still tossing between going with another startup, or starting my own thing. But I have two problems.

One, I'm inherently a lazy person. I've been doing quite well working for others, and my boss begs me to stay. I can tell you, it's definitively much easier working for others, and to strike out on your own. If you do the latter, then EVERYONE will become your boss. :)

Two, I'm rather risk averse. If I start my own thing, I'll do this sink-or-swim thing. Naturally, there will be 50% chance I'll swim. What about the other 50% when I'll sink? Hmm...I know that if I dive, I can learn how to dive, and swim back up and be a better swimmer. My gut tells me that, which rarely fails me (if at all).

I'm grateful my husband cheers me on, and is supportive on my initiative. And the kids are having fun, in their own merry way.

...I think I have most of my decisions figured out already, except for the sink-or-swim thing...

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