Thursday, November 15, 2007

On Matt Damon becoming the Sexiest Man Alive in 2007...

It's refreshing, for a change, to have the People's Magazine to choose Matt Damon as the Sexiest Man Alive in 2007, not solely based on the ounce of muscles that he has (though he has alot to offer), but also on his personality.

People should start to realize (and wake up, both men and women) that women do not simply find a guy "sexy" on sexual appeal alone. For a guy that comes across as funny, witty, down-to-earth, and brainy, can be very powerful and sexy too. It's nice to look at a pretty face, but a man has to come across with something more substantial than simply a six-pack and bulging biceps in order to be impressive. One must admit, to see a guy who would blush on compliments, that's quite cute.

It's also nice to see that this group of friends (Damon, Pitt, and Clooney) who have not only looks, but certain substance in the brain, and they don't do cat fights like the women celebrity are. I hope it serves as a powerful reminder to the rest of the male population that women look for more than just looks in a man. (Well, I *hope* women least those who are smart.)

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