Friday, December 28, 2007

2007: Taking stock - the looking ahead part...

Ah, how could I have left out the looking ahead part when taking stock of 2007, and the hopes and dreams for 2008?!? :)

It'll be very interesting to see how the 2008 presidential election plays out. I hope Democrats make history. At this point, I prefer the woman (Hilary Clinton) in the White House more than the black (Barack Obama). It's a dangerous thing to hold caricature for a candidate, but when it comes to issues and stands, all candidates (Dems and the GOP on the other side) really are so alike that it's hard to tell apart. Well...I take it back some, since John Edwards has taken a much harder, left-of-center view on most everything. But to view the White House back, whoever it might be, has to take a more centrist view, as Bill Clinton did. But thank God, at least we won't have another run of George W Bush and Cheney, the stupid combo.

I've been thinking and thinking of my own venture. Perhaps 2008 is a year when I should stop thinking, and start doing things. More research, and an exploring trip to Asia, would definitely help clear my view. That should likely be what I should aim for, now that the kids are getting comfortable with the school nearby.

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