Friday, December 7, 2007

On Romney's Mormon faith and president candidancy...

With one month toward the Iowa caucuses, Mitt Romney the 2008 presidency hopeful must be feeling desperate, with his poll numbers going nowhere, albeit his vast wealth behind the campaign.

So it is, that Romney arranged this this speech of faith last night, supposedly to mirroring what JFK did back then to dispel worries that he'd take orders from the Pope instead of the American peoples. Even the location of the speech was supposed to ring some bells.

To be sure, there are similarities with JFK that Romney wishes to draw upon. They both look photogenic enough. They both suffer voter's doubts on their respective faith. And of course, they're running for the presidency.

But one thing Romney does not realize is that, not all faiths are created equal. I consider Catholicism mainsteam and Mormonism not. If, according to Romney's arguments, it would not matter what his religion is, since he's an American running for president, then would I have voted for, say, a Muslim to be President, given that that Muslim is born in America? I should think not.

Not that I'm bigot against Muslims or Islam as a religion; quite far from it, I'm pretty tolerant with diverse religions. As individuals, anyone can take up any religions. That's their choice. But if I am to elect a president to lead the country, that one person's better be someone who remain mainstream.

We've seen enough of putting a religious right (George W Bush) in the White House, and what disastrous results that lead us. He's willing to push the country to war to spread the good deeds. He would appoint justice after justice in the Supreme Court enough to eliminate (or even reverse) the choice of women and Roe v Wade. He would selectively divert fundings to religious organizations of his own faith to carry out important social functions.

While it's undeniable that there are religious charitable organizations that do amazing works, I would not want to see preferences to one religion over another. If Romney is so defined by his Mormon belief, then it would be impossible for him not to have his judgments being clouded by his religious belief. For that alone, I'll reject Mitt Romney.

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