Saturday, December 29, 2007

On the end of Netscape...

It is perhaps fitting, that the announcement by AOL to discontinue development and end the support of the Netscape browser is made at the end of 2007, when the year is drawing to a close. Netscape's end would cap the end of the dot-com tech bubble in the late 1990s (that the Netscape IPO christened). It also defines a new generation from Silicon Valley that prefer to talk in dollar sign rather than ideal (unlike David Packard and William Hewlett in the bygone days, eg).

The time for Netscape has long passed, although it's great to see its baton to be passed onto Mozilla Firefox which I have since switched to. Microsoft's Internet Explorer has never been my browser of choice, not least because of all its security holes, but I prefer technologies that are non-Microsoft. If you look for innovations, you do not look for it from Microsoft.

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