Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On the flip-flopping of Obama...

I have still been reading news, but simply can't find time to write my journal. It feels like the same old, same old. After a while though, the urge would become urgent, and I have to write a few words.

On the wincing of the far left about Barack Obama, from his flip-flopping (or in his words, the "elaborating" of his previous positions, but the elaboration is a reversal of his own previous words) of his Iraq position, to his support of the eavesdropping regulation that would have provided immunity to telcos, and the like.

Well well. What have we been saying?!? That this guy has no "principle" (if you can call his that). That this guy has no positions (but convenient fancy words plagiarized from someone else). At least there are those who are disillusioned, and those who woke up. There are still others who try to justify Obama's flip-flopping as a necessary evil in order to win back the White House. To that, I'd say, it's total bullshit.

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