Monday, September 10, 2007

On Britney's comeback on MTV award...

Boy, isn't it painful to watch Britney Spears' comeback dance video at the MTV Award on

It's painful, watching the slow decline of a once vibrant young lady, and who now tries to find her way back, with the same ways and means, yet the world has changed so much, and so has she.

Someone should have told her that she needs to get the rhythm back before dancing. Looking at her old dance videos and her latest performance, it's startling. She's either on drugs, or her heart was completely not in it. Either way, she looks like she's sleep-walking on stage. Not that I endorse the kind of provocativeness of her former self, but to see a fellow human being having lost the sparkle in his/her eyes and his/her zeal for life, that's just sad.

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