Monday, September 17, 2007

On Katrina and federal government's role in its rebuilding...

It's disheartening, reading the article "Where's the money?" from Fortune magazine in the August 20, 2007 issue.

One glaring point to take away is the gross ineptness of the federal government (read, Bush administration) in dealing with the issue. What Bush is saying/doing is, I opened my wallet, here's some money, go take care of yourself.

I might probably be labeled an independent liberal, but I'm no socialist. I do strongly believe that there are certain basic infrastructure and human needs, which responsibilities the federal government cannot abdicate. The needs for the rebuild is so vast, huge and urgent (still) that they call for the federal government to take over on temporary basis. This decisive step would have, should have, could have removed most, if not all, the feudal territorial infightings of different ruling agencies, local governments, and private entities. But the Bush administration does not have the competency and insight to do the right thing. All Bush does was, try to take the easy way out, and claim the glory of it.

It leads me to wonder, if Bush is unable to rebuild even a piece of land in his own backyard, how is he to be trusted to rebuild a remote landmass for a mess that the neo-cons (with his full endorsement) made in Iraq? As we all know too well, Iraq is infinitely worse than New Orleans (there really is no comparison). But in terms of planning, they both show the same pattern of incompetency of this Bush administration.

It makes me angry, very angry in fact, to see that pattern repeating again and again. And I'm very angry at Bush for what he has allowed this country to come down to, and what he has marched this country toward. Sometimes, I wish he would have the chance to stand for re-election, then the voters would show him what he's worth.

Don't bother with legacy, Mr Bush, since you have these two forever marred on your nameplate.

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