Friday, September 28, 2007

On Bush's "push" on climate policy in UN...

Now this is "good."

First, Bush ambushed the Kyoto Protocol; lost all morale ground; then try to resurrect himself (and see if he can put down anything in his "legacy", if any) in his lame duck phase second term by first, claiming the headline that he's going to tackle the climate change, then proposing to allow countries to do good by making the cap of carbon dioxide emission *voluntary* (rather than mandatory).

He gets even "better." The argument of doing away with mandatory emission cap is that, because countries (like US, most notably) won't comply with mandatory requirement. So, let's make it voluntary, so that everyone (including US) will sign...and, nothing (ie. no one will bother to cap the emission) will happen!!! The Bush administration calls it a "strategy."

By jove, since when did we sink this low in logics!!??!! I don't think this argument (if you can call it an argument) can pass the muster of a 5-year-old.

No matter, Bush still has John Howard, the lone pee-on in Australia, to agree with him on that one.

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