Wednesday, April 9, 2008

On how Obama would fare as a would-be commander-in-chief...

Reading through news of how the senate hearing today with General Petraeus on the Iraq war and progress, sparring with the three hopefuls (John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama), it's quite clear how the three would fare or what they might do, as a would-be commander-in-chief.

John McCain would dig his heels in the trench, and fight on. That would satisfy the gun-loving, security-worrying GOP's.

Hillary Clinton learns her lesson, and is now calling for clear guidelines for troops withdrawal commitment. She rises up to the occasion, at least with guts and a stand to counter the arguments from McCain.

Barack Obama? The same old "It's a mistake, from the start." Yeah, stupid, even my 5-year-old knows that. So, what's your stand on that? Nada. This guy would not hold up to scrutiny in the real world. It's disheartening that such a fluffy-but-no-substance lightweight can fool so many for so damn long. I would bet all my money, that has he not been black, he would never be where he is now. (Yes, like I said before, the blacks will always vote for one of their own skins, even if s/he won't hold water.) It's amazing how emotions can cloud judgment in so many people.

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