Friday, November 14, 2008

On the sturdy "clamshell" plastic packaging...

Man, finally I know I'm not the only one who's frustrated with opening those impossible plastic packaging, for things like toys for the kids, light bulbs, electronic devices like headphones, and even memory cards. Finally I realize that someone (God bless Jeff Bezos for taking the initiative) to do something about this.

I have always wondered what kind of industrial engineer(s) would design such consumer-unfriendly packaging that makes it so very impossible to open. But to think that the "phenomenon" (the kind of terrible packaging) happens across industries, it's simply mind-boggling. It goes to show the herd mentality, even in design, and no one stops and wonders if there's anything wrong with it, or cares to solicit consumer feedback on whether they like/dislike the packaging.

Critical thinking, baby, critical thinking!!!

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