Thursday, November 20, 2008

On the world's 10 uglest building, circa 2008...

It's funny yet sad, of how some architects go to great length, design and build some buildings that look so awful, some of which function so poorly as well.

Such is the list of the world's 10 ugliest buildings in the world, circa 2008. I have the "honor" to walk by the Boston City Hall, back then I worked in the downtown Boston area. The matchbox building is a drag. At the time, no doubt there was praise of the kind of open space that is left unused in front of and around the building. With little trees around, it looks like a neo-Coliseum, sans the grandiose in the Roman days. It goes completely against the nearby historic district of Beacon Hill. Perhaps, that's the contrast that I.M. Pei had intended when he designed that dreadful Boston City Hall, much as the futuristic pyramid-like eyesore Louvre.

The same goes to Frank Gehry, whose designs include those unfinished looking MIT building. No wonder he got sued by MIT. That goes to show how someone, anyone, would do anything to stand out from the crowd. But it's the mass herd-mentality who would hail these folks as "great." *yak*

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