Monday, May 18, 2009

On brute force fix to Hubble...

Once upon a time, space race and Sputnik had captured the imagination of many a nation. I'm not very science heavy, but I like sci-fi fictions all the same. Although movies like 2001 A Space Odyssey are not very comforting, the more nostalgic ones like October Sky is still my favorite.

For a long time now, NASA seems to have been on life support, what with all the budget cuts under Bush, fiascoes like the Mars Rovers, and tragedies. It is thus such a relief and change of scene, to see the NASA teamwork paid off with the latest Hubble fix by the astronaut, out of sheer force (of will and means) by all involved.

I'll eagerly await NASA's next adventure, to take another big step by mankind in space.

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