Wednesday, January 3, 2007

On golden parachute...

Another CEO gone, another golden parachute -- on Nardelli stepping down from Home Depot, pocketing $210 MILLION worth of severance package, including $20 MILLION cash, plus others.

What is there to lose for these CEO's, anyways!?! If they fail, they get the money. If they succeed, they have the bragging right (like Jack Welch). At least Welch is worth the money. For one bright CEO, there are 99 of them mediocre ones that make us cringe and which we can't do anything about, cuz the board is too impotent.

What was the board smoking, when they ok'ed a package like that!?!? Normally I don't like suing, but it does provide powerful incentive for the board to at least spend 10 minutes of their attention before wasting other people's money away.

It's disgusting...

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