Tuesday, January 2, 2007

On Microsoft bribe to blogger...

There're reports on Microsoft masquerading bribe to bloggers, like this one http://www.playfuls.com/news_05668_The_Controversy_Over_Microsofts_Gifts_to_Bloggers.html

I find it so distasteful and untruthful, and shame to the bloggers who accept the bribe. But human nature as it is, it's not really news. Just look at what others like Wal-Mart has done, in trying to shape public opinion by privately funding some folks who want to travel and have some time to spare and appetite for sponsorship, to blog about the "good side" of Wal-Mart.

There's nothing wrong with blogs, as long as all fine prints are disclosed. People can read their blogs, and draw their own conclusions. In all the above cases (and more), the unspoken dealings make it not only untruthful, but deceiving, which is why it's so distasteful and disgusting.

Shame, shame.

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