Saturday, January 13, 2007

On how our memory would cheat us...

I've been on a somewhat spending spree for some "dated" movies (not really golden oldies, but those in the 80s and 90s) recently, having started a collection of DVD's for my kids to give them a taste of the "saturday morning cartoons". I would hope that the movies (particularly those from Pixars) are a good alternative to the cheapo cartoons on TV for them these days. And I certainly would not have liked the anime from Japanese.

I'm starting to buy some for myself as well. I count on my memory on some of the more entertaining movies for myself, and thought maybe they can keep me entertained when I don't feel like a book or journal in the evenings. One of these was Mission Impossible I. (I hated MI-2, and MI-3 is decent.) So, I bought MI-1, and saw it again. Well, lets just say that my memory doesn't serve me very well. While it's still a decent movie, it's definitely not as good as I had thought it was when I first saw it.

The same goes with an old Japanese movie called Kwaidan. (It's a collection of a few Japanese folklores.) But then I saw it when I was 12, and I was pretty scared by it. Maybe my judgment has changed quite a bit since then.

It's funny how our memory would "cheat" us, and leave us only this pleasant aftertaste with us. I'm hoping Terminator I (which I had watched more than 5 times in the past) would not fail me as badly. I'll find out soon...

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