Friday, October 12, 2007

On Al Gore receiving Nobel Peace Prize...

It's great news, learning that Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize (sharing it with Rajendra Pachauri, the Chair of UN Climate Panel), on his work on championing worldwide awareness on global warming.

It's funny how only yesterday, when I was musing in my journal here, how envious Bush must be toward Gore, the seemingly loser in the 2000 presidential election, and yet turns himself around to success and with great admiration at home and around the world; all while Bush is being derided and despised by most everyone with a brain for his cluelessness).

Did you see the White House response to Gore's winning the Nobel: "Of course we're happy for Vice President Gore and the IPCC for receiving this recognition." I highly suspect that that's the mood in the Bush White House (his own ivory tower), like, "pleeeease, yes of course, we're happy for him; next question." It's sooooooo sour grape.

Perhaps Bush should understand now (I hope), that the best leaders lead by example, not by swaggering with a gun at his hip.

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