Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On the first babyboomers starting to receive Social Security...

This marks the first baby boomers to start receiving Social Security, and let the downfall begins.

It's not so much for the fact that they didn't earn it. But it's the attitude of entitlement, and the almost callous lack of compassion for the generations to come, that is appalling. The article notes this one baby boomer who signs up for Social Security as a ceremonious outing to make the watershed event.

She has no care for whether Social Security or Medicare will collapse, or that the payouts that she's going to get is going to bankrupt generations that would come after her. All she cares about is, it's about the right damn time she is to get her money back. Of course she sees the glass half-full, since she would get to drink it all, regardless of how much water is left in the glass.

It's ironic and idiotic for the Social Security Administration of the Bush administration to state that they have a security weapon in the works, and Congress is going to act, blah blah blah. All these folks, all these power guys are part of the baby boomers, and they're not going to risk their own political career to introduce painful medicine to shore up the systems. With such wisdom from a guy like this in top management, I'm wondering out loud if this ceremony is supposed to be mocking to the baby boomers or to the Gen X. It doesn't achieve any purpose at all, but to make everyone angry.

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