Sunday, October 14, 2007

On hypocritical Vatican priest's claim that he's not gay...

It's so hypocritical and preposterous to read claims that a Vatican priest, Monsignor Tommaso Stenico, who is high up in the command and who got caught making advances to young men in gay chat room.

Initially dismissing the charge as invalid since he's caught on hidden camera, now he claims that he's immersing himself in the gay world in order to understand these sinners, so to speak; during which he told the a young man that he doesn't think gay sex is sinful.

By jove, does he think that the rest of the world is as idiotic, stupid or blind as those that he might have been able to fool in the Vatican? I would watch with interest, how Vatican handles the incident. Action speaks louder than words. I have less care of what Vatican says, than what it does, in dealing with controversy to one of its own, and it'll tell us how much it has evolved (if it has at all) since the epidemic pedophile scandal broke out among the Catholic priests in America.

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