Thursday, October 11, 2007

On Madonna ditching the Warner Brothers label...

Reading the news on Madonna ditching the Warner Brothers label, in favor of Live Nation, it shows how in-tune she is with a changing society, which is her main underlying strength in staying relevant to an evolving generation of music fans and industries.

I still remember when she first came out in the 80s, even though I found her easy-to-listen-to music ear candy, I had dismissed her as but another one of those bimbo or fad. It was her The Immaculate Collection that I had started to take her seriously. She works on her chickie voice (remember Material Girl?), and her white dance pop music is so rhythmic that I have since become her fan. I started tuning out when her Blonde Ambition world tour. I thought to myself, I don't need an artist who cannot rely solely on her/his music to impress the fans, but resolves in using the shock-and-awe strategy to get publicity to help with music sales. It's a big let down.

I haven't followed pop music scenes for a long time now, and I didn't follow the news as to what causes Madonna's turnaround in life. Maybe it's her kids. Maybe it's Guy Ritchie. But I'm truly happy that she has found her way, that she doesn't need to provoke religion or explicit sex to sell her music, that she can keep improving her music and evolve with her fans better than Rolling Stones does.

I hope she'll serve as a great role model for all girls and women. (But what's up with that tongue-rolling kiss with Britney Spear on stage back then?)

PS: I hope young women like Lindsay Lohan, who has a gift but who can waste it away easily, will find her way soon as well.

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