Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On gaffes of Joe Biden, take 2...

There's a Chinese belief, that the longer a couple stays married, the more alike (even the look) they will be.

I'm sure Joe Biden, the VP-to-be to the incoming Obama administration, and his wife are like that too. The gaffe-prone Biden probably has learnt enough of his lessons, or that the Obama aides did a good job shutting him up. In any case, during the last days of the 2008 campaign season, Biden had effectively clammed up.

Now, just days before the sworn in and the final confirmation of Hillary Clinton as the new Secretary of State, Biden's wife did her own thing and BS'ing about Biden dissing that job to go on the VP ticket.

At least, Joe Biden had his slip oftentimes with good humor and in his funny way, even. I can't say the same with his wife's gaffe, which is more like one wife bitching about another wife. She is so petty, I can't believe she's going to be the Second Lady.

Man, don't they have screening for the ladies in waiting in this country???

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