Friday, January 30, 2009

On bad airline food and complaint...

Amid all the gloom and doom in economic news, there's at least some light moment reading hilarious stories. There was this complaint about the food on Virgin flight from Mumbai to Heathrow, addressed directly to Richard Branson, that is quite funny, what with all the pictures and exhibits to support his argument.

And then, I read more closely at the story, and realized the flight originated from Mumbai, India. The guy, who was revealed to be a high-flying advertising executive, is probably not used to Indian food. Admittedly, I love all kinds of curry, but I must say, oftentimes I find the presentation of Indian food does not make it very desirable. More often than not, the Indian dishes are just blops of similar colored stuffs (either yellow or brown or green), and I wouldn't even know what they are. Those picture exhibits look very much like any Indian food you would get in restaurant, in terms of presentation. I have little doubt that the food handlers/chefs are all Indians, and those food look perfectly normal and acceptable to them. :)

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