Monday, October 6, 2008

On the end of era for Wall Street extravaganza...

Does anyone really think that the extravaganza from the Wall Street era is coming to an end, now that the last investment banks (Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs) are looking more precarious by the day, after the fall of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns?

The worship of money, as a religion, will never go away. It might go dormant for a while, but it'll come back, no doubt about that. Absent of checks and balance, everything and anything goes. That's what happens when the Community Party in China opens its door to the world. After the Cultural Revolution when all history and culture were trashed, everyone goes for money, the color of gold that outshines the color of red.

So, no, those fallen suits are going to make their way back, one way or the other. (Hedgy, private equity, or some other forms of wolf in sheep skin?) Unfortunately, humans never learn - both the victims who lost their money, and the perpetrators who made out obscene amount of money on someone else's back.

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