Friday, January 11, 2008

On Bush's hurried Mideast peace effort...

Bush is a man in a hurry, and so is his wife. In their last year in office (the last out of 8 long years in White House), Laura Bush rolled out her first initiative, and now it is W's turn.

Such is his grand words ("Blessed are the peacemakers"), but much doubt remains from all quarters, including the conservative leaning Wall Street Journal. I don't know where he's been or what he's thinking, but this man is naive to the extent of laughable. Does he think that by having a meeting of three weakened leaders (Bush himself, Abbas and Olmert) - himself in the twilight years in office - he's going to make Palestinian state happened before he leaves office by end of 2008? This man doesn't have a big enough brain to comprehend the enormity of the issues, with all the history and baggage that goes with it. It's certainly much easier to turn a blind eye and give a free hand to Israel during his first 7 years in office, than to try to get these impossible nemesis to talk, let alone make peace.

One of Palestinian political analyst sums it up well: "It's not his words we want, it's deeds. My wish for this trip was the removal of just one checkpoint in the West Bank -- if he can't manage that then what can we expect?" I seriously doubt if Bush can make Israel do that. If I were Israel, I wouldn't either. Afterall, why would I? There's no ramification to not doing anything.

This is another Mission-Accomplished stunt from Bush. It's unbelievable that he still has the thick skin to do that, after Karl Rove is gone.

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