Tuesday, January 8, 2008

On Hilary Clinton's show of emotion...

It's almost comical, reading all the tea leaves reporting out of crack of emotions by Hilary Clinton, on the eve of the New Hampshire primary.

Has anyone even commented on it, when any of the male leaders and presidents (most every guy up there did it) did it? It's a GOOD coverage, to show the guy getting emotional and welling up. Now, we have a woman who's probably been fighting all her life, to get this far, only to seem to have everything slipping away. If you ask me, I would probably react the same way.

People seem to be perplexed by why she'd show the emotions to seemingly innocuous questions (how do you do it? who does your hair?). People don't seem to realize that, oftentimes emotions come when one is under great stress. To me, what puzzles me is, who the hell would pose such a question to a presidential candidate? Does it cross their mind to ask Mitt Romney or Obama the same questions?

Yes, one has to be more than tough to play in a men's game, and politics IS a men's game. One show of slight emotion, and you'll forever be labeled the cry-baby. It's grossly unfair to the candidate, and it shows how amazingly incompetent a lot of voters are in looking for real qualities in a presidential candidate. It makes me sick.

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