Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On when the bottom subprime mess is in sight...

By some account, the subprime mortgage mess (which seizes up the credit market and leads to scores of writedown of subprime loans and investment-graded investments that are backed by subprime collaterals) that starts in August 2007 should lead to $200 billion writedown. So far, we see a number of exits of high-profile C-suite (eg. Chuck Prince and Stan O'Neal) and not-so-high-profile second-tier executives (eg. CIBC). And the exposed writedowns that have been accounted for is $100 billion.

Well, with the wonders looming over where the other $100 billion is, no wonder the financial stock is beaten down in the market.

I wonder how these supposedly smart suites can be so blindsided by the voodoo of securitization of subprime loans that banks once shunned.

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